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Levo is an internal-use app for the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency), designed to enhance the experience of remote events such as workshops and presentations conducted within the organization. Levo serves as a valuable resource, providing essential event details, supplementary resources, and interactive gamified activities aligned with the event's objectives. This multifaceted app enhances engagement, fosters collaboration, and ensures that participants derive maximum value from their remote work events.

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A pivotal feature of the Levo app is its Event page, strategically designed to streamline the remote workshop and event experience for users. Within this section, participants can effortlessly access pertinent information regarding upcoming workshops and events. This includes the ability to add events to their personal calendars and find registration details.

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Once registered, participants unlock a dedicated event page, tailored to the specific workshop or event they are attending. Within this context, such as the "Unconscious Bias Workshop," attendees gain access to a wealth of valuable resources. These resources encompass workshop details, supplementary materials, the opportunity to earn badges for active participation and engagement with the app's activities and a post-workshop survey to provide feedback.

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The supplementary gamified activities embedded within the Levo app were thoughtfully crafted to align with and address the unique challenges and goals of the specific workshop or event groups. 

The Dictionary Activity was developed to bolster knowledge retention among participants, recognizing that the workshop's terminology is often forgotten after the workshop concludes.


The Self Discovery Journey centred around participants actively practicing and applying the insights gained during the workshop by reflecting upon their own unconscious biases.

These tailored activities not only augmented the workshop experience but also played a pivotal role in helping participants internalize and apply the knowledge and skills they acquired during the event, contributing to lasting impact and meaningful growth.

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LGBTQ2+ Network

Collaborating with the LGBTQ2+ Network for their 2022 Pride Month events presented a unique opportunity to contribute to a more inclusive and supportive environment. We endeavoured to assist by designing activities that catered specifically to their needs. 

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Pronoun Usage Practice: Recognizing the importance of respectful and inclusive language, the app featured a dedicated section for practicing pronoun usage. Users will receive a letter where they will be instructed to change the gendered terms of the letter with gender-neutral terminology that is often overlooked or ignored.

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LGBT Resources Library: The app also housed a comprehensive library of resources catering to the LGBTQ2+ community. This repository provided easy access to a wealth of information, support, and guidance, thereby empowering individuals to explore, understand, and advocate for LGBTQ2+ issues.

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Charitable Campaign

The Charitable Campaign is an annual initiative orchestrated by the CRA to generate funds for United Way Centraide of Canada. We were tasked with crafting an array of complementary activities, all inspired by the prevailing pirate theme for that year.

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Although many employees were enthusiastic about participating in the Charitable Campaign event, there was limited awareness regarding the organization they were supporting and how the donated funds were utilized. The Fill the Chest activity was thoughtfully crafted to address this knowledge gap, offering employees an engaging and pirate-themed opportunity to learn more about the charitable cause and where their contributions were directed.

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National Live Orientation

The National Live Orientation team, responsible for crafting a virtual orientation experience for new remote employees, approached us with the request to design complementary activities aimed at enhancing the inclusivity and engagement of the orientation program.

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To emphasize that employees were embarking on the beginning of their extensive journey at the CRA, we introduced a Letter to Yourself activity. This allowed employees to compose a letter that they could revisit a year later, reflecting on their progress and personal growth during their tenure at the organization. 

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